Words used : (Fry 351-375) : listen wind rock space covered fast several hold – held himself towards five step – stepped morning pass – passed vowel true hundred against pattern numeral table north slow – slowly money map door waves low units six sponge balls English scientist course listen – listened – listening
Check these words in a dictionary and write down the meanings:
strike (v)
genetic (adj)
grotesque (adj)
be up to someone
The Plan
The farmer slowly pulled out something from his cloak and placed it on the table. It was money – a lot of money – and a map. Along the top were the numerals from one to five, and up the side were the vowels A,E,I,O,U, to form a grid pattern. Bill and the English Scientist looked at the map. In square A-three was the town to the north, where they had come from in the morning. In square O-five was the location of the farm they were at now, three hundred units away.
Outside the singing voice had stopped. Bill stood up and put his ear against the door to listen but heard nothing but the wind.
“So what is your course of action, old man?” asked the English Scientist. Bill turned round and took a step towards the table. “We are listening.”
The old man with the scar leaned heavily against the table and waited until several seconds had passed. Finally he said, “We, the famers, will strike.” Bill and the English scientist looked at each other. “The king and his armies will have no food. Then you and the English scientists will take this money and map and prepare an attack on the night of the next full moon.”
“You are crazy,” said the English scientist. “We are scientists, not soldiers. We cannot fight against an army, even a hungry one.”
Then the old man smiled, his scar twisting grotesquely. “It's true, you cannot. You must use the science of the six sponge balls to fight,” he said. “And you must win.”
There was silence in the room, and the wind howled outside.
Suddenly the door opened and a young woman came in. She was beautiful and shy, and had the same scar on her face as the old man.
Bill and the English scientist looked at her in surprise.
“It's genetic,” said the old man, as the young woman stepped towards him to be held.
That evening we took off fast and flew low over the waves back to the town in the north.
Alone in a space in the town square Bill sat and watched the red light of the sunset play against the black sponge balls, and held himself. The map and the money were in his pocket.
It was up to him.
Reading/Writing tasks :
1. What is the old man's plan?
2. Why does the English scientist think this will not work?
3. How do you think Bill feels at the end?
Choose five difficult new words and write an example sentence for each one below:
Read Chapter 1 : The English Scientists
Read Chapter 2 : Song Of War
Read Chapter 4 : Bill's Ship Sails
Read Chapter 5 : Talking To Animals
Read Chapter 1 : The English Scientists
Read Chapter 2 : Song Of War
Read Chapter 4 : Bill's Ship Sails
Read Chapter 5 : Talking To Animals
© Chris Young 2018
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